Dementia: Why a person centred approach matters

A growing issue in healthcare globally, dementia care is delicate and complex, filled with nuances and challenges. A person centred care approach can be vital in helping facilities care for their residents and patients living with dementia. 

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Whether it be a family member, a friend, a colleague or a neighbour, nearly all of us have been affected or know someone that has been affected by dementia. Approximately 50 million people around the world live with the dementia condition, a number that is expected to double every 20 years. For many people, memory loss is the first thing they associate with dementia. But dementia is complex and the experience of dementia as well as the effect on each individual is never the same. Caring for someone with the degenerative condition can be a distressing and daunting prospect. Some may develop responsive behaviours and moods, others may become easily confused and even lost in their own homes.

As the condition progresses, it is inevitable that a person living with dementia will need a greater level of support and assistance, even in the most basic everyday tasks. At some point, a loved one will ultimately need professional care in a residential setting.

Today over 60% of long-term residents are living with some form of dementia1.

For people caring for a person living with dementia, maintaining the independence, mobility, dignity and overall quality of life of their residents is a top priority. Introducing residents to an environment that is safe, calm and homely is crucial as is the level of support needed to maintain a life that is rich in stimulation, activity and meaningful relationships.

Dementia care friendly equipment in long term care facilities

Naturally, the best care starts with empathy for the person that needs assistance. As a product solution provider in long term care we understand that when it comes to dementia, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ care plan. While one resident may enjoy music being played while they enjoy their favourite activity, another may prefer peace and quiet, or feel at ease enjoying a conversation with their caregiver; we are all individuals, and residents living with dementia are no exception.

Here at Arjo, we are committed to improving the lives and maintain the dignity of people in both hospitals and elderly care facilities. Our mobility products and solutions for long term care are designed to enable a person-centred approach to care around the clock and cater to the preferences of the individual. We aim to ensure caregivers and care partners can spend more time enjoying a positive relationship and engaging with their residents and less time focusing on equipment. 

To see how our technologies can help aid your staff and patients in dementia care go to our dementia solutions section. Dementia Care Solutions


